23/07/21 by CCPHC
INTERIM JULY 2021 Report
INTERIM JULY 2021 Report
Report July 1- 23, 2021
Cooper County Covid-19 Statistics
Total new cases thus far in July 108 cases- multiple cases are the Delta Variant strain. The month of June was 35 cases. This is a rapid and large increase.
The Correctional facility have not reported any new cases for July on their website.
The Cooper County Public Health Center recommends wearing of masks regardless of vaccination status.
“Your Immune system does well at fighting threats it’s seen before. But Covid is new-and its mutations, such as Delta, are even newer. Vaccination PREPARES your body to fight Covid, so it doesn’t have to face a dangerous enemy sight unseen” Dr. Tom Frieden MD
The Cooper County Public Health Center offers vaccinations on Tuesdays by appointment and Thursday’s a walk-in clinic. No appointment necessary 9am to 12noon- 1pm to 7pm.
Pfizer vaccine is available for age 12 and up.
Moderna vaccine is available for age 18 and up.
If you would like to host a clinic at your church, civic group, business, apartment complex, housing subdivision, school or event please contact Erin Davis at the Cooper County Public Health Center at
Covid testing is available at the Cooper County Public Health Center by appointment only. Please call 660-882-2626 to schedule your appointment.
Vaccine Incentive Programs- Go to MoStopsCovidNavigator website to register to win $10,000.00 If you have been vaccinated. https://covidvaccine.mo.gov
Gift Cards for $25 will be available in the near future. Follow our Facebook at Cooper Co. Public Health Center for more information as it becomes available.