29/12/21 by Melanie J. Hutton
Scam Alert # 2 Related to Health Inspections
Scam Alert #2
There is someone who has been pretending to be a health inspector in counties other than Cooper thus far. This impersonator will arrive at facilities to be given access and perform a false inspection.
In Cooper County we have three part-time inspectors: Sue Wilman, Randy Strough and Jesse Devillier. Melanie Hutton is also cross trained and can fill in during emergencies. All staff have ID's and can be confirmed with our office if need be. Our number is 660-882-2626. Traditional health inspectors are not scheduled in advance and we encourage safety in our community. If a business has any doubts please call 660-882-2626 to verify. credentials/identity of health inspectors.
Thank you very much.
Melanie J. Hutton RN, MSN Administrator